- 爱因斯坦(1879-1955) A. Einstein(1879-1955)
- 柯日布斯基,A.H.S.(1879-1950) Alfred Habdank Skarbek Korzybski (1879~1950)
- 1954坐标系统 Beijing Geodetic Coordinate System 1954
- 阐明了狭义相对论和广义相对论的物理学家(1879-1955)。 physicist who formulated the special theory of relativity and the general theory of relativity (1879-1955).
- 日内瓦会议(1954, 1961) Geneva Conferences(1954and1961)
- 综合医院医学心理咨询门诊1879例分析 Analysis of 1879 new cases from the clinical psychology department in general hospital
- 日内瓦会议(1954,1961) Geneva Conferences (1954 and 1961)
- 1954北京坐标系(BJS54) Beijing Coordinate System 1954(BJS54)
- M. 福斯特(Edward Morgan Forster,1879-1970)的代表作。 Edward Morgan Forster(1879-1970), a twentieth century English novelist, literary theorist, and essayist, has ranked among the greatest novelists.
- 自杜波阿(1879)提出他的拖曳力关系式以来,文献中已经出现了许多公式。 Many formulas appeared in literature since DuBoys(1879)presented his tractive force relation.
- 高坪区1954-1999年实施计划免疫前后麻疹疫情分析 Analysis of measle incidence before and after EPI work in Gaoping district from 1954 to 1999
- 哈恩,奥托1879-1968德国化学家,由于他在原子核裂变领域的成就而获1944年诺贝尔奖 German chemist. He won a1944 Nobel Prize for his work on atomic fission.
- 论日内瓦会议后美国与柬埔寨关系的演变(1954-1960) The Transformation of US - Cambodian Relations after the Geneva Conference, 1954 - 1960
- 帕特里克·皮尔斯(1879-1916),爱尔兰民族主义领袖,诗人,教育学家。 Patrick Pearse (1879?1916), leader of Irish nationalism and Irish poet and educator.
- 他也在后来布达佩斯的7-1大胜中首发,他们是1954世界杯的最大热门。 He also starred in a subsequent 7-1 win in Budapest which saw Hungary made favourites for the 1954 World Cup.
- 自杜波阿(1879)提出他的拖曳力关系式以来,文献中已经出现了许多公式。 Many formulas appeared in literature since DuBoys(1879)presented his tractive force relation
- 荷兰Jansen等(1951)和英格兰Field等(1954)报道了仔猪链球菌病。 Hollander, Jansen(1951) and England, Field(1954) reported streptococcus suis infections.
- 米切尔,威廉1879-1936美国军人和飞行先驱,他是军事制空权的最先倡导者之一 American labor leader who was president of the United Mine Workers from1898 to1908.
- 沙利窦迈 (1954): 过去曾用作镇静剂和妊娠时作为止吐剂使用的药物。 Thalidomide (1954): Drug formerly used as a sedative and to prevent morning sickness during pregnancy.
- 当Bartolomeo Bizio(1879)描述是细菌引起或产生了这个现象时,这个谜团终于被解开。 Bartolomeo Bizio eventually solved the riddle in 1879, when he described the bacterium responsible for this phenomenon.