- Keywords Agglomerate in low temperature;Salt Resolving;Analyzing marine products;Potassium ferrooyanide; 低温凝聚;盐重解折;分析海产品;亚铁氰化钾;
- Analyzing marine products 分析海产品
- Could attract buyers of marine products. 可以招揽顾客来购买海货。
- King Asia Marine Products Co. Ltd. 金海海产有限公司。
- Dalian Xingyang Marine Products Co., Ltd. 大连兴洋海产有限公司。
- Dalian Longsheng Marine Product Co., Ltd. 大连龙胜海产有限公司。
- Negotiating importation of marine products with Indian clients. 与印度商人洽谈进口海产品业务。
- Produce serial competitive products, such as the laver slice, all kinds of marine products food,etc. . 海洋养殖紫菜2000亩、优良条斑紫菜育苗占地20000平方米。
- Be responsible for sourcing of parts for marine products to our factory in Shanghai and to our factories in Europe. 对我们在上海和欧洲的工厂的各类航海产品采购负责。
- Marine products include hardware, machinery parts, construction hardware, curtain wall components, the valve series. 产品包括船用五金、机械配件、建筑五金、幕墙构件、管阀系列等。
- What marine products did you buy for your family? Cloths or other things? Tell me or send some pictures. 你给家人买了什么海鲜?还有衣服和其他东西?告诉我或者发些照片个我看。
- Objective To understand the pollution of cadmium in marine products of Yantai city. 目的了解烟台市常见海产品镉污染的状况。
- The survey provides baseline information on the general publics knowledge and attitudes related to sustainable consumption of marine products. 是次调查提供了有关公众对可持续使用海产的知识和态度的基线资料。
- It also boasts the biggest natural fishing harbor and marine product distributing center in China. 有着中国最大的天然渔港和海产品集散地。
- These marine products, replenishing vital essence and promoting mental activity, are tonics for intellectuals' constant use. 本海洋制品益精健脑,知识分子的常备补品。
- The beautiful and rich coast of South China sea has been an important distributing center of marine products in China since ancient times. 美丽富饶的南海之滨,自古就是我国重要的海洋产品集散地。
- Traditional business for Marine products like: dried shrimps, ikan bilis, sea cucumber, shark's fin and etc can be found here. 虾米,江鱼仔,海参,鱼鳔,鲍翅等特产都可在老村看到。
- The island all around is rich in marine products and so on trepang, sea scallop, abalone, shrimp, oyster, swan egg, long standing reputation. 岛四周盛产海参、扇贝、鲍鱼、对虾、牡蛎、天鹅蛋等海产品,久负盛名。
- Forgotten to say ahead of time that abstains from eating meat by oneself again , make others prepare much marine products, feel sorry. 又忘了提前说自己吃素,害得人家准备了好多海货,过意不去。
- KEP’s marine products division is known as KEP Marine and proudly portrays the logo “We are the difference in sunlight”. kep的海洋产品部称为kep海洋和自豪描写标识"我们正分别在阳光下" 。