- (1889-1945)二战中,德国的独裁者。 (1889-1945) German dictator during World War II.
- 采用 Akashi 显微硬度算和 Taber 耐磨损试验机,测量无电解复合镀层 Ni-P-Al_2O_3,Ni-P-SiC 的硬度和耐磨性能,发现复合镀层有很高硬度和耐磨性。 The hardness and wear resistance performace of Ni-P-Al_2O_3 and Ni-P- SiC composite coatings heat treated at different temperature are measured by Akashi micronardness detector and Taber wear tester. It is found that the Ni-P-SiC coating has the nighest hardness and the best wear resistant per- formance.
- RTCP由RFC 3550定义(取代作废的RFC 1889)。 It is defined in RFC 3550 (which obsoletes RFC 1889).
- 最早的工作可以追溯到xx[1965]。 The pioneer work can be traced to xx [1965].
- 《原子外交:广岛和波茨坦》1965. Aperowitz, Gar. Atomic Diplomacy: Hiroshima and Potsdam. 1965.
- 大仓鼠(Cricetulus triton de Winton, 1889)种群分化及其环境适应 Population Divergency and Environmental Adaptation of Greater Long-tailed Hamster (Cricetulus Triton de Winton, 1889)
- 罗森伯格(1965)自尊量表 Rosenberg(1965) Self- Esteem Scale
- 贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁(1889-1964),印度独立后的第一任总理(1947-1964)。 Jawaharlal Nehru (1889--1964), first prime minister of independent India (1947--1964).
- 最早的工作可以追溯到xx [1965]。 The pioneer work can be traced to xx [1965].
- 艾肯,康拉德·波特1889-1973美国作家,主要以诗歌闻名。其作品诗选获1930年度普利策奖 American writer noted primarily for his poetry. He won a1930 Pulitzer Prize for Selected Poems.
- GB/T749-1965水泥抗硫酸盐侵蚀试验方法 Sulphate resistance test for cement
- 布赖特,约翰1811-1889英国政治家和著名演说家,是反谷物法联盟的一个奠基人(1839年) British politician and noted orator who was a founder of the Anti-Corn Law League(1839).
- 我刚好有一部你要的车子--1965 年的雪佛兰牌汽车。 I've got just what you're looking for-a '65 Chevy.
- (1889-1964)和甘地一起为地方自治而奋斗的印度政治家;从1947到1964年是印度共和国的第一任总理。 (1889-1964) Indian statesman and leader with Gandhi in the struggle for home rule; was the first Prime Minister of the Republic of India from 1947 to 1964.
- X-15的研究结果与精选的参考书目(NASA SP-60,1965) X-15 Research Results With a Selected Bibliography (NASA SP-60, 1965)
- 布赖特,约翰1811-1889英国政治家和著名演说家,是反谷物法联盟的一个奠基人(1839年)。 British politician and noted orator who was a founder of the Anti-Corn Law League(1839).
- 郑作新等译,《动物分类学的方法和原理》,科学出版社,北京,1965。 Wiley, E. O., Phylogenetics: the Theory and Practice of Phylogenetic Systematics, John Wiley &Sons, Inc., New York, 1981.
- 津巴利斯特,埃弗莱姆1889-1985俄裔美国小提琴家,他以纯正的音调和解释的能力而著名 Russian-born American violinist noted for his pure intonation and interpretive sense.
- (1874-1965)英国保守派政治家;二战中的英国领导人;在1953年荣获诺贝尔文学奖。 (1874-1965) British Conservative statesman; British leader during World War II; received Nobel Prize for literature in 1953.
- 焦耳,詹姆斯 普雷斯科特1818-1889英国物理学家,为热量机械理论奠定基础,并发现了热力学第一定律 British physicist who established the mechanical theory of heat and discovered the first law of thermodynamics.