- air force navy aeronautical design standards [美]空军海军航空设计标准
- Air Force Navy Army Guided Missiles 陆海空军制导导弹
- The army, navy and air force are coordinate branches of the armed services. 陆、海、空三军是部队的三个平行的军种。
- The three services,ie the Navy,the Army,the Air Force. 三军(海军、陆军、空军)。
- The army, the navy and the air force are called services. 陆军、海军、空军叫做军种。
- Now, men are enlisting for the air force. 现正在招募空军。
- This would wreck budgets and upset the navy and air force. 这样做会破坏整个预算,使空军和海军坐立不安。
- An old Air Force war horse is getting a new assignment. 一架空军旧式飞机奉命执行一项新的任务。
- Air force is an important component of national defense. 空军是国防的重要组成部分。
- Air Force Navy 空军海军
- The army,navy and air force are coordinate branches of the armed service. 陆、海、空三军是部队的三个平行的军种。
- In World War II, General Lee was in command of the air force. 二战期间,李将军统率空军部队。
- It is also in service with the US Air Force, US Navy and foreign governments. 它与美国海军,美国空军也在使用中和外国政府。
- The final victory is gained in cooperation with the Navy and the Air Force. 在海军和空军的协同下,夺取了最后胜利。
- The army, navy and air force are coordinate branches of the armed service. 陆、海、空三军是部队的三个平行的军种。
- He services in a squadron of US Air Force. 他在一支美国空军部队里服役。
- This plane is configured for our air force. 这架飞机是按我们空军作战要求装配的。
- The army, navy and air forces are coordinate armed services. 陆军、海军和空军是并行的军种。
- A young Air Force officer served as lunar module pilot for Apollo 16. 一位年轻的空军军官担任了阿波罗16号登月舱的驾驶员。
- He is a Major in the US Air Force. 他是美国空军的少校。