- A flimsy fabric. 轻薄的织物
- He arrived late and excused his tardiness in a flimsy manner. 他来晚了,而且还以薄弱的借口来辩解他的迟到
- It is a flimsy cardboard box. 那是一个不结实的纸箱。
- You'll hide behind a flimsy belief that everything will sort itself out. 随便找个东西躲起来,以為事情会自行解决。
- Judy understands algebra well but I have only a flimsy grasp of the subject. 朱迪精通代数,但我对这科却掌握的不好。
- She wore a flimsy dress. 她穿一件薄连衣裙。
- First flown in 1995, the Predator is a flimsy drone that flies as slowly as a Cessna and can carry far less weight. “掠夺者”于1995年首次飞向天空,它是一架非常易毁的无人驾驶飞机,其飞行速度如同任何飞机降落时的速度,而且其承载能力微乎其微。
- He made a flimsy excuse. 他说了一个站不住脚的藉口。
- His dress is made of a wash and wear fabric. 他的衣服是用洗后不用烫的纤维衣料做的。
- The deceptive manoeuvres of the Achesons still have a flimsy social base in China. 艾奇逊们的欺骗做法在中国还有一层薄薄的社会基
- Well, if you are like most people, you will hide behind a flimsy belief that everything will sort itself out. 嗯,你可能跟大部分人一样,随便找个东西躲起来,以为事情会自行解决。
- Well, if you are like most people, you will hide behind a flimsy belief that everything wilol sort itself out. 恩,可能你和大部分人一样,随便找个地方躲起来,以为事情会自行解决。
- Well, if you're like most people, you'll hide behind a flimsy belief that everything will sort itself out. 嗯,你可能跟大部分人一样,随便找个东西躲起来,以为事情会自行解决。
- Well, if you're like most people, you'll hide behind a flimsy belief that everything wilol sort itself out. 恩,可能你和大部分人一样,随便找个地方躲起来,以为事情会自行解决。
- The fabric was displayed on a wired stand. 那种织物陈列在金属制的架子上。
- The Suns briefly extended it to two, though the Lakers entered the fourth quarter with a flimsy 82-81 edge. 而且太阳还曾短暂地将领先扩大到2分,尽管湖人是以82-81领先一分进入第四节的。
- This failure threatens to unravel a flimsy diplomatic consensus that dates back to the 1997 Kyoto protocol. 这一失败将可能瓦解自1997年京都议定书签署以来达成的脆弱的外交共识。
- Well, if you're like most people . you'll hide behind a flimsy belief that everything will sort itself out. 嗯,你可能跟大部分人一样,随便找个东西藏起来,以为事情会自行解决。
- Well,if you are like most people,you will hide behind a flimsy belief that everything will sort itself out. 嗯,你可能跟大部分的人一样,躲在后面,以为事情自己会解决。
- This (price) includes a flimsy helmet, which is compulsory and provides protection against sunburn but not much else. 这个价格还包括一个薄页般的法律规定必须的头盔,也就能..."