- A Hard Way to Make Money 一条艰辛的赚钱之道
- He is in a fair way to make money. 他有希望赚钱。
- He had found a good way to make money. 他找到了赚钱的好门路。
- This is a hard way to earn a living. 这碗饭不容易吃。
- He said it was the sure way to make money. 他说这招儿肯定能赚到钱。
- Investing in the stock market is not at all the safest way to make money. 投资股市根本不是最安全的赚钱方式。
- Most importantly, Google has figured out a way to make money from its cloud. 最重要的是谷歌已经想出利用云理论赚钱的方法。
- To the novice, the only challenge appears to be to find a way to make money. 对于新手来说,唯一的挑战似乎就是找到赚钱的方法。
- Cr:That's a good way to make money .I'll try not to make any more withdrawals . 克雷格:这到是个挣钱的好办法,我争取尽量少提取存款。
- He had a hard job to make himself heard. 他好不容易才使别人听见他的声音。
- Walter Scott discovered a way to make extra money. 他发现一种挣外块的方法。
- If you want to make money, buy cheap and sell dear. 要想赚钱就得贱买贵卖。
- This was a hard requirement to make or to procure. 这是一个难以出口,也难以办到的要求。
- It hurt a little,but that hurt was good,for it inspired us to keep thinking of a way to make money. 这实在有些伤人,但却是好事,它刺激我们继续努力去想挣钱的法子。
- We had a hard enough job to make ends meet. 那时我们要应付开支是很不容易的。
- Making money from theme parks is a hard grind, not a heady rush. 要使主题乐园盈利是一项辛苦艰难的事业而不是迅速财源滚滚的美差。
- Looking for a way to make money, he found the germ of an idea in an old newspaper. 他在寻求生财之道,结果从一张旧报纸上得到启发,萌生了一个想法。
- The states view lottery as a way to make money, since only half of what they take in is given back as prize money. 各州都把彩票作为赚钱的办法,因为收回的钱中只有一半支付给获奖者。
- Fail to make money in a business. 未能在生意上赚到钱。
- It hurt a little, but that hurt was good, for it inspired us to keep thinking of a way to make money. 这实在有些伤人,但却是好事,它刺激我们继续努力去想挣钱的法子。