- A轮转动比D轮快半倍。 Wheel A turns half as fast again as Wheel D.
- 总部在北京的Yeepay在第一轮融资中,同样获得了来自许多硅谷公司数目不明的风险投资。 Beijing-based Yeepay also received an undisclosed amount of venture capital from some Silicon Valley firms in the first quarter.
- 我们帮助他们进行了两轮融资,分别募集资金500万美金和6000万美金,使他们能够进入美国证券交易所挂牌。 We helped them do two rounds of financing for %245 million and %2460 million and enabled the company to move to the AMEX.
- 轮 wheel
- (via PE Hub\"\") 位于南加州谢尔曼橡树区的在线视频动画公司Fix8已完成首轮融资,共从SK电信公司融得两百万美元。 Sherman Oaks based online video animation company Fix8\\"\\" has taken %242 million Series A from SK Telecom.
- 不仅A而且 not merely A but also B
- 一轮 round
- 与其说A不如说 not so much A as B
- 估值较低的一次融资投资者在一轮融资中购买同一家公司股票的价格低于对上一次融资投资者支付的价格。 Down Round A round of financing where investors purchase stock from a company at a lower valuation than the valuation placed upon the company by earlier investors.
- A股 A-share
- 摩天轮 ferris wheel
- 把A误以为 take A for B
- 轮毂 hub
- 维生素A vitamin(e)
- 首轮 first-run
- 把A视为 looked upon A as B
- 轮到 fall
- 双酚A bisphenol A
- 轮滑 skidding of wheel
- A型 A Mode; A-form