- 瞧你钉的挂镜线都歪了,还得弄下来重钉吧。 The picture rail that you nailed on the wall was crooked. We had to pull it out and renail it.
- 挂 suspend
- 镜 mirror
- 挂断 hangup
- 不仅A而且 not merely A but also B
- 滤镜 filter
- 与其说A不如说 not so much A as B
- 挂件 pendant
- A股 A-share
- 镜花水月 be an illusion
- 挂电话 hang up
- 挂机 on-hook
- 试镜 screen(ing) test
- 把A误以为 take A for B
- 一丝不挂 be stark-naked
- 化妆镜 vanity mirron
- 维生素A vitamin(e)
- 挂断电话 buzz off
- 肠镜 enteroscope
- 李林先生是a man of the cloth. ? Li Lin is a man of the cloth.