- 演员们向鼓掌的观众鞠躬。
The cast bowed as the audience applauded.
- 群众(为他[演出])鼓掌五分钟。
The crowd applauded (him/the perfomance) for five minutes.
- 听众中安插了演讲人的支持者;他们使劲给他鼓掌。
The speaker's supporters were planted in the audience and applauded loudly.
- 咱们为下一个表演者热烈鼓掌吧。
Let's have a good round of applause for the next performer.
- 孩子们表演完后,大人们鼓掌。
The grown-ups applauded after the children had finished their performance.
- 他的开场白受到听众的鼓掌欢迎。
His opening remarks are applauded by the audience.