醇溶谷蛋白在小麦,黑麦和其它谷类的种子中发现的简单蛋白类的一种 Any of a class of simple proteins found in the seeds of wheat, rye, and other grains.
威士忌酒一种从谷类如玉米、黑麦或大麦等提炼出来含酒精液体,按容量包含约40%至50%的乙醇 An alcoholic liquor distilled from grain, such as corn, rye, or barley, and containing approximately40 to50 percent ethyl alcohol by volume.
波旁酒一种由不少于51%的玉米与麦芽和黑麦浆发酵后蒸出的威士忌酒 A whiskey distilled from a fermented mash containing not less than51 percent corn in addition to malt and rye.