- 珠带拟蟹守螺 Cerithideopsilla cingulata
- 黑 black
- 黑带下 black vaginal discharge
- 黑带主管 Master?Black?belt
- 黑带钢 black strip
- 垂直黑带 vertical black band
- 黑带选择 Black Belt selection
- 黑带运动 black belt
- 黑带级拳手 black belt
- 黑带丽体鱼 Convict
- 六西格玛黑带 Commercial Six Sigma Black Belt
- 西格玛黑带应了解如何利用非线性来使产品或过程更加稳固。 The Six Sigma Black Belt should know how to use non-linearities to make products or processes more robust.
- 熄灭脉冲黑带 blanking bar
- 6西格玛黑带应了解如何将析因设计扩展为复合设计或中心复合设计。 The Six Sigma Black Belt will know how to augment a factorial design to create a composite or central composite design.
- 给定一组数据,6西格玛黑带应能够进行拉丁方分析并解释其结果。 Given a set of data, the Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to perform a Latin Square analysis and interpret the results.
- 他是柔道黑带。 He's a black belt in judo.
- 黑带,带下黑候 blackish leukorrhagia
- 熄灭脉冲的黑带 blanking bar
- 注册六西格玛黑带 Certified Six Sigma Black Belt