- 黄角颗粒 Huang Jiao Ke Li
- 异针蟋属 Pteronemobius
- 歧阜异针蟋 Pteronemobius gifuensis
- 涤纶易清灰针刺过滤毡 Polyester de-dusting easily filter felt
- 例如榛子树、榛实树和黄角树类似的坚果树只要早上晒一会太阳就会生长的很好。 Nut trees such as filbert, hazelnut and yellow horn produce well with only sun in the morning.
- 黄 sulfur
- 角 angle
- 灰 ash
- 应用计算机技术 ,分析了山西历山自然保护区的白须双针蟋、短翅灶蟋、银川油葫芦、迷卡斗蟋 4种蟋蟀雄性的鸣声结构。 The paper analysed the male song structures of four species of crickets from Lishan Nature Reserve.
- 三角 (n) a triangle
- 针 needle
- 灰熊 grizzly bear
- 半角 DBC case
- 黄页 yellow page
- 海角 cape
- 黄钻 Elopichthys bambusa
- 针刺 pinprick
- 灰分 ash content
- 右上角 top right corner
- 飞黄腾达 make a rapid advance in one's career