- 高达 attain
- 他的脉搏高达每分钟一百次。 His pulse was at as high as a hundred.
- 历史上所测到的最大波浪在太平洋中高达三十四米。 The largest measured wave in history rose in the Pacific Ocean to a height of thirty-four meters.
- 这些山高达5 000英尺。 The mountains rise to 5,000 feet.
- 在墙壁的一面有个高达天花板的书架。 On one wall there is a bookcase that reaches to the ceiling.
- 高达几千美元 mount up to thousands of dollars
- 这样,它可以用于抓料作业(高达70吨)和负载操作(140吨)。 It can thus be used for grabbing work (up to 70 tons) and heavy-duty operations (140 tons!).
- 对一种鹦鹉的偷猎比例高达70%有余。 The highest rate of poaching for a single species was more than 70 percent.
- 高达一英尺的 Up to a foot of
- 悬崖矗立着,高达好几百米。 The cliff shoots up to a height of several hundred metres.
- 月球从太阳获得的发电能力高达13000万亿瓦。 The Moon receives 13,000 TW of power from the sun.
- Butler Group的一份报告指出,使用CRM的失败率一度高达70%。 A report gave by Butler Group said: the failure percentage of application CRM kept almost 70%25 for a long time.
- 高达屋檐的灌木树 shruBBery reaching up to the eaves
- 马拉松比赛当天湿度很大,气温高达90华氏度。 The marathon was run on a very humid,90F degree day.
- 高达屋檐的灌木丛 Shrubbery reaching up to the eaves
- 看那座塔,它高达。 Look at the tower, it is as high as sixty metres.
- 气温高达85至90度 the temperature was in the high eighties
- 文件容量可高达1 GB File size of up to 1 GB
- 温度高达90多度。 The temperature was up in the nineties.
- 预计花费将高达十亿美元。 It is expected to cost as much as one-thousand-million dollars.