- 猎鹰 falcon
- 以昆虫和蠕虫为食陆地生黄昏时或黎明前活动的马达加斯加鹞。 Madagascan roller with terrestrial and crepuscular habits that feeds on e.g. insects and worms.
- 猎鹰隼属或相关的任何一种鸟,如猎鹰,训练用于猎捕小的野味 Any of several species of these birds or related birds such as hawks, trained to hunt small game.
- 产于非洲和马达加斯加的蜥蜴,皮肤能变色,舌头能弹出。 lizard of Africa and Madagascar able to change skin color and having a projectile tongue.
- 尽管它属于猎鹰属,但看起来一点都不象一直真正的猎鹰。 Although it is a member of the falcon family, the caracara looks little like a true falcon.
- 马达加斯加的首都和最大城市。 the capital and largest city of the Malagasy Republic.
- 在空中盘旋的猎鹰 the eagle swirled in the air
- 马达加斯加的教育近况--中国教育部考察团访非报告之二 Recent Development of Education in Madagascar --Report on African Visit by China Education Ministry
- 猎鹰者 falconer
- 马达加斯加陆龟 Geochelone yniphora [Madagascar tortoise]
- 猎鹰的 falconine
- 马达加斯加部 Madagascar province
- 放鹰狩猎用猎鹰打猎的活动 Hunting of game with falcons.
- 马达加斯加钩 Madagascar hook
- 关于或类似于猎鹰的。 relating to or resembling a falcon.
- 马达加斯加界 Madagascan
- 猎鹰计划 FALCON
- 马达加斯加王陵 Mausoleum of Madagascar's kings
- 猎鹰与母鸡 The Falcon and the Hen
- 马达加斯加海 tanghinigenin; tanghinin