- 灯塔在远处发出闪烁的光。
A lighthouse was flashing in the distance.
- 海港的灯火在水平线上闪烁著。
Harbour lights were blinking on the horizon.
- 她眼睛里闪烁著调皮的光辉。
Her eyes twinkled with mischief.
- 远处的农舍窗户闪烁着几盏微弱的灯。
From the cottage window a few lamps were glimmering in the distance.
- 灯光在地平线上闪烁着。
The lights were blinking on the horizon.
- 这个男孩的眼睛里闪烁着调皮的光。
The little boy had a wicked twinkle in his eyes.
- 他抬眼凝视着头顶上方星光闪烁的天空。
He stared up at the stars twinkling in the sky above him.
- 我们可以看见港湾的灯光在远处闪烁。
We could see the distant twinkle of the harbour lights.