- 镍基合金粉 nickel base alloy powder
- 线 thread
- 镍基合金G3 nickel-based alloy G3
- 棒线组 [电] bar quad
- G3镍基合金 G3 Nickel-base alloy
- 高温镍基合金 high temperature nickel base superalloy
- 化工行业用熟铁及耐腐蚀镍基合金防腐特性鉴定标准导则 Standard Guide for Evaluating the Corrosion Properties of Wrought Iron- and Nickel-Based Corrosion Resistant Alloys for the Chemical Process Industries
- 铁镍基合金 ferro-nickel alloy
- DZ4镍基合金 Ni base alloy DZ4
- 单晶镍基合金 single crystal Ni-based superalloy
- 镍基合金涂层 Ni-based alloy coating
- 镍基合金/WC复合涂层 Ni base alloy/WC composite coating
- 燃气涡轮发动机的发展同抗蠕变镍基和铁基合金的发展紧密联系在一起。 Greep resisting nickel and iron base alloys have been linked inexorably with the development of gas turbines.
- 镍基合金晶间腐蚀试验方法 Nickel-based alloys--Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion
- 镍基合金在高温水中钝化的动力学 Kinetics of passivation of a nickel-base alloy in high temperature water
- 看谱镜在镍基合金成分分析中的应用 Applications of spectroscope in the analysis of Ni -based alloys
- 镍基合金在电厂烟气脱硫吸收塔的应用 Application of Nickel Based Alloy in Flue Gas Desulfurization Absorber of Power Plant
- 镍基合金涂层抗热腐蚀性能和机理研究 Influences of Cr Content on High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Two Nickel-Based Alloy Coatings
- 这基本上是用二氧化钍弥散强度化的镍基合金。 This is essentially a development of thoria dispersion strengthened nickel alloys.
- 高铬铸铁材料与镍基合金的耐磨性对比 Comparison of Abrasiveness between High-Chromium Cast Iron and Nickel-Base Alloy