- 他们钻透了几层岩石以寻找石油。
They drilled through several layers of rock to reach the oil.
- 经数月钻探,在沿海找到了石油。
After months of drilling, oil was found off the coast.
- 被虫蛀的被虫钻透或咬啮的
Bored through or gnawed by worms.
- 钻井机一种在采矿中用来挖掘矿井时在石头上打孔的工具
A rock-boring tool used in mining for sinking shafts.
- 钻孔工具,手钻钻孔用的手持工具
Any of numerous hand tools for boring holes.
- 这台钻机能钻透岩石。
This drill can bore through rock.
- 这是一个带有各种配件的电钻。
It's an electric drill with a range of different attachments.