- 巨蟹 Cancer
- 蟹 crab
- 艳遇 affair; one's romantic history
- 巨蟹座 cancer
- 酒色 debauchery
- 团扇 circular fan
- 艳舞 frenzied dancing
- 团扇鳐 thornback ray
- 大闸蟹 hairy crab
- 秋风团扇 like fans being out of use after autumn; woman out of men's favour
- 似团扇鳐 Platyrhinoidis triseriata
- 争艳 contend in beauty
- 南方团扇藻 Padina australis
- 放纵于酒色的生活 a life of sexual and alcoholic incontinence
- 猎艳 cruise
- 树状团扇藻 Padina arborescens
- 沉湎于酒色 to be submerged by drinking and sex
- 香辣蟹 Sautéed Crab in Hot Spicy Sauce
- 林氏团扇鳐 Platyrhina limboonkengi
- 虾兵蟹将 ineffective and worthless troops