- 银行/酒店经理 a bank/hotel manager
- 鲍勃接受了广场酒店经理杰斯丁的面试。 Bob has a job interview with Justine, the manager of the Plaza Hotel.
- 瑞士饭店协会理诺士酒店经理人学院 Swiss Hotel Association-Hotel Management School Les Roches
- 宾馆/酒店经理 Reception Manager
- 记者:在贵校毕业后能否取得注册酒店经理人的资格? Does it lead to the C. H. A. designation?
- 上海瑞吉红塔大酒店日前任命蔡楚强先生为酒店经理。 St. Regis Hotel, Shanghai has announced the appointment of Mr. Chris Tsoi as the Hotel Manager.
- 经理抽了一口烟。 The manager took a puff at his cigarette.
- 酒店经理获知那位被警察从房间带走的沉默者就是被悬赏缉拿的杀人凶犯。 The hotel manager learned that the quiet man taken from his room by the police was a murderer with a price on his head.
- 他证明是一个能干的经理。 He proved a competent manager.
- 经理人想让冠军与约翰比赛。 The managers want to pit the champion against John.
- 他系住马,走进了小酒店。 He tied up the horse and went into the inn.
- 经理因急于签订合同,想把合同中的问题敷衍一下了事。 The manager tried to slough over the problems in the contract because he was keen to get it signed.
- 我们去酒店放松一下。 We went to the pub to wind down.
- 经理们在办公室密谈。 The managers were closeted together in the office.
- 他与经理激烈争论。 He had a sharp tilt with the manager.
- 花园酒店? The Garden Hotel?
- 那位经理曾经挪用店里的钱。 The manager was found to have appropriated store money.
- 让我们午饭时去酒店品酒。 Let's go out at lunch time and round to the pub to sample the dup that cheers.
- 经理因无能而被解雇。 The manager was discharged for inefficiency.
- 酒店或小酒馆的老板 The keeper of a public house or tavern.