- 鄂图一世[日耳曼 Otto I [Germany, 912-973]
- 图 diagram
- 自谢里姆一世,鄂图曼苏丹也拥有哈里发的头衔。 "Beginning with Selim, the Ottoman sultans also held the title of caliph, the spiritual head of Islam."
- 自谢里姆一世,鄂图曼苏丹也拥有哈里发的头衔。 "Beginning with Selim, the Ottoman sultans also held the title of caliph, the spiritual head of Islam."
- 别节食了,再来一块巧克力吧。人生只一世,得乐且去乐,节食留待明天吧。 Forget your diet and have another chocolate. You only live once, and you can starve yourself tomorrow.
- 图一所显示的是电池充电器的方块图。 The block diagram of a battery charger is shown in Fig. 1.
- 1345年鄂图曼军队第一次入侵欧洲,征服了巴尔干的许多地区。 "Ottoman troops first invaded Europe in 1345, sweeping through the Balkans."
- 图库 gallery
- 俄国沙皇尼古拉一世诞生,是沙皇保罗一世第三个儿子。 Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia, was born the third son of Tsar Paul I.
- 鄂 hupeh
- 原图 original drawing
- 截图 sectional drawing
- 可叹罗成一世英名, 到最后被苏烈乱箭攒射死于陷马坑。 although Luocheng had an illustrious life, he was shot dead in a horse pit by a volley of arrows fired by Sulie.
- 组图 picture group
- 图象 (n) image; picture
- 然而,公元393年,罗马皇帝狄奥多西一世下令废止了古代奥运会。 "In aD 393, the Games were ended at the order of the Roman Emperor Theodosius."
- 贴图 pinup picture
- 三图一卡 a three chart card
- 1345年鄂图曼军队第一次入侵欧洲,征服了巴尔干的许多地区。 "Ottoman troops first invaded Europe in 1345, sweeping through the Balkans."
- 辉煌的一生中忙碌的一小时,抵得上碌碌无为的一世。--司各特 One crowded an hour of a glorious life is worth an age without a name.-Walter Scott