- 通奏低音歌曲 accompanied bass song
- 为双长笛与通奏低音而作的奏鸣曲 Sonata for Double Flute and Basso Continuo
- 通奏 continuo
- 打不通 get through
- 风琴在奏鸣。 The organ is playing.
- 电话打不通 be unable to get through on the telephone
- 一种大号;芦笛家族的低音成员。 a large shawm; the bass member of the shawm family.
- “村村通广播电视”工程 project "extend radio and TV coverage to every village"
- 听众要求那钢琴家再奏一曲。 The audience encored the pianist.
- 倍低音管 contrabassoon
- 雅虎通 Yahoo Expert
- 重奏一支歌曲 reprise a song
- 倍低音巴松笛 contrabassoon
- 病人通夜呻吟。 The sick man moaned all night.
- 市府乐队首先奏国歌。 The town band led off by playing the National Anthem.
- 他在那架旧钢琴上奏出了一首响亮的曲子。 He thumped out a tune on the old piano.
- 她昨晚与我通了电话。 She spoke to me by phone last night.
- 那场演唱(奏)会太令我震惊了。 The concert blew me away.
- 打开电扇通一下风。 Turn the electric fan on and make a draft.
- 他把那支曲子重新奏了一遍。 He played the tune anew.