- 不要老是想着过去的失败。
Don't dwell on past failures.
- 当问到他过去的犯罪历史时,他变得十分焦虑不安。
He became quite agitated when he was asked about his criminal past.
- 他沉思着过去的生活。
He meditates on his past life.
- 老者在聊过去的事情。
The old man rambled about the past.
- 他过去的经历笼罩着神秘气氛。
His past is enveloped in a shroud of mystery.
- 不要把过去的事都翻出来。
Don't rake up the past.
- 过去的事就让它过去吧。
Let bygones be bygones.
- 过去的痛苦即是快乐。
Pain past is pleasure.