多向色性当沿不同的轴线观察时,某些晶体显示出不同的色彩,尤指三种不同色彩的性质 The property possessed by some crystals of exhibiting different colors, especially three different colors, when viewed along different axes.
移动从中间位置或轴线向外或向后的振荡或依次的运动 A movement from and back to a mean position or axis in an oscillating or alternating motion.
圆的轴线是其直径。 The axis of a circle is its diameter.
在计算机制图技术中,显示图象的全部或一部分对显示面所在平面中某个轴线翻转180度的处理方法。 In computer graphics, turning all or part of a display image180 degrees about an axis in the plane of the display surface.