我们使用哪种润滑剂,主要取决于轴承的转速如何。 The sort of lubricant which we use depends largely on the running speed of the bearing.
扁柱,夹条,凹字形楔一种平的或有凹的经常是一块楔形的木头或金属,用来在一定地方夹住机器或结构的各部分或提供轴承的表面,通常是由螺丝或钥匙来调整 A plain or notched, often wedge-shaped piece of wood or metal designed to hold parts of a machine or structure in place or provide a bearing surface, usually adjusted by a screw or key.
钻石小的天然的或人造宝石,用作手表中的轴承 A small natural or artificial gem used as a bearing in a watch.
当轴旋转的时候就把油溅入轴承。 In rotating, the shaft splashes oil up into the bearings.