- 助 to help
- 助焊剂 scaling powder
- 背光源 backlight
- 助研 Research Assistant
- 点光源 pointolite
- 助成 furtherance
- 电光源 electric light source
- 助工 assistant engineer
- 冷光源 cold(-)light source
- 助人 help others
- 助溶剂 latent solvent
- 备用光源 standby power source
- 标准光源 standard source
- 相助 help
- 激光光源 laser light source
- 特助 special assistant manager
- 照明光源 lighting source
- 机助 machine aided
- CIE标准光源 CIE standard sources
- 拔刀相助 draw one's sword and come to the rescue