- 律师以最有利于本方的方式阐明事实,起诉方可以利用终结辩论进行总结。 The attorneys lay out the facts of the case in a manner that is most favorable to their side.
- 起诉方律师试图让被告方证人丢脸。 The counsel for the prosecution has set out to discredit the defence witness.
- 方 just
- 所有的证人必须记住一定要保证讲真话,不得有半句谎言。 All witnesses must remember that they have been placed on oath and must speak the exact truth.
- 控方律师诘问被告一方的证人. The prosecution lawyer cross-examined the defence witness.
- 起诉方 suitor; prosecutor
- 起诉 to sue
- 正式确认向有权威的证人正式确认以保证法律上的有效性 A formal declaration made to authoritative witnesses to ensure legal validity.
- 第三方 third party
- 证人 witness
- 一方 one
- 刑事案件中起诉方的证据。 evidence for the prosecution in criminal proceedings.
- 一名重要的证人没有出庭。 A material witness failed to appear in court.
- 方差 variance
- 侦听叛方的无线电通讯 intercept insurgent radio communications
- 告知证人的权利义务,证人作证,宣读未到庭的证人证言, Inform the witnesses of their rights and obligations, interrogate the witnesses and read aloud the testimony of the witnesses who fail to appear before the court
- 起诉方已撤消了对他的指控。 The prosecution has withdraw the charges against him.
- 他被传唤作被告的证人。 He was called as a defense witness.
- 一方的书信 one-way correspondence
- 被告的证人 a witness for the defence