- 她说,“我真想去,可是我忙得走不开。 She said,"I would like to go, but I'm occupied now.
- 对不起我迟到了。刚才我在开会,走不开。 I'm sorry I'm late. I was at a meeting and couldn't get away fromit.
- 开 open
- 走 to walk
- 我没法告诉你,我此刻走不开,心里多么难受。 I cannot tell you how grieved I am that I can't get away for the moment.
- 开关 power switch
- 家里有客人,我走不开。 We had company and I couldn't get away.
- 彼得曾有一小笔钱被人借走不还,他再也不会第二次上当了。 Peter had been touched for "a small loan" before; he wasn't going to be caught a second time.
- 想要一起走,但是走不开 Wanted to come along,but couldn't get away.
- 机械员发现这架飞机的发动机盖揭不开了。 The mechanic found that the engine hood of the plane would not lift.
- 装了假肢,他起初走路走不稳,但经过锻炼他的步子稳了。 Fitted with the artificial leg, he walked unsteadily at first, but with practice his steos became steady.
- 然而一切这些,离不开动员老百姓。 But all these are inseparable from the mobilization of the common people.
- 那小男孩儿不久就走不动了,远远落在(其他人的)後面。 The small boy soon became tired and lagged far behind (the rest of the walkers).
- 因而也是和主观指导的正确或错误分不开的。 Consequently it is also inseparable from the correctness or incorrectness of the subjective direction of war.
- 我快要累死了,假如我们不能快点抵达目的地,那我就走不动了。 I'm almost at my last gasp; if we don't get to the destination soon, I shall not be able to go on.
- 主货舱门打不开,为了不延误飞机,我们想人工断开舱门。 Main cargo door cant's be opened electrically, In order to avoid aircraft delay, we want to open it manually.
- 母亲要下楼, 但她太虚弱了走不动, 这得你们俩把她抬下来。 Mother wants to come downstairs, but is too weak to walk; it'll take both of you to bring her down.
- 个人的利益是与集体的利益分不开的。 The interest of the individual is bound up with that of the community.
- 受制而走不开的听众 captive audience
- 我们严重的官僚主义与现在机构的臃肿是分不开的。 Our grave propensity to bureaucracy is inseparable from the current overstaffing of our organizations.