- 她在这个问题上同意资方的意见。
She's going along with management on this issue.
- 那名工会代表受到了指责,说他是资方的傀儡。
The union representative was accused of being a puppet of the management.
- 全部争论其实就是资方与工会间的权力斗争。
The whole dispute comes down to a power struggle between management and trade unions.
- 除非资方做出进一步的建议,否则将举行罢工。
Unless the management improves their offer, there'll be a strike.
- 工会和资方之间的谈判由于互不信任而愈加困难。
Negotiations between unions and management are made more difficult by mutual distrust.
- 资方要感谢全体员工的通力合作。
The management would like to thank the staff for being so cooperative.
- 资方和工会的谈判失败了。
Talks between management and unions have collapsed.
- 劳方现就裁员问题与资方争论。
Workers are in dispute with management about the redundancies.