- 氓 vagrant
- 贫 poor
- 露氓梯 open stairway
- 李一氓先生的古籍整理思想 On Mr LI Yi-mang's Idea in Staightening up Chinese Ancient Books
- 为了自卫,她随身携带防氓喷雾器。 2 She carries pepper spray for self-protection.
- 贫化率 rate of dilution
- 贫化 impoverishment
- 贫煤 lean coal
- 安贫即富。 He who is content in his poverty is wonderfully rich.
- 济贫院 hospice
- 狗不嫌家贫 Dogs show no aversion to poor families
- 济贫 administer poor
- 人能安贫就是富。 Poor and content is rich and rich enough.
- 君子忧道不忧贫。 You are not acting for your interestst; Your are acting against your own interests.
- 嫌贫爱富 despise the poor and curry favor with the rich
- 矿石贫化 ore dilution
- 积贫积弱 get impoverished and weak
- 贫瘦煤 meager lean coal
- 贫铀弹 depleted uranium bomb
- 富而无骄贫而无谄 To be rich and not haughty ; to be poor and not grumble