- 账 account
- 桌 table
- 桌球 table tennis
- 对账 reconciliation
- 应收账款 receivables
- 同桌 deskmate
- 账款 funds on account; credit
- 账务 account
- 电脑桌 table for computer
- 收账 receipt on account
- 出账 charge off
- 小桌 teapoy
- 写字桌 writing table
- 往来账 C/A
- 桌腿 table support
- 别忘了把这笔货款记到账上。 Don't forget to charge the amount to my account.
- 酒桌 wine table
- 划账 remit account
- 我已在饭店预订了一桌菜。 I have reserved a table at the restaurant.
- 牌桌 table-board