- 詹姆斯 James
- 实际上,队长,我属于英国秘密情报局,名字是邦德,詹姆斯·邦德。 James Bond: Well, actually, captain, I'm with the British Secret Service. The name is Bond, James Bond.
- 6年前詹姆斯参军打仗,以后我们再也没有听到他的消息。 James went off to war six years ago and we've never heard of him since.
- 詹姆斯有一副悦耳的高音嗓子。 James has a fine treble voice.
- 瞎眼的金发美女帮温文尔雅的邦德弄钝了崭新的青铜刀刃。 A blind blonde blunted a brand-new bronze blade for bland Bond.
- 邦德氏夹 [医] Bond's splint
- 你好吗,詹姆斯? How's it going, James?
- 邦德,干得好! Bond, you have done it!
- 詹姆斯氏束 James' fiber
- 米兰达:哦!像邦德一样的漂亮动作。他昨晚可是生龙活虎。 Miranda Frost: Ooh! Yeah, nice moves just like Bond. He was pretty vigorous last night as well.
- 詹姆斯发觉这殷勤之中有点可疑。 James scented something suspicious in this courtesy.
- 邦德氏夹板 Bond's splint(桡骨下端骨折用)
- 佐林:哈哈,你逗我,邦德先生。 Max Zorin: Ha ha, you amuse me, Mr. Bond.
- 詹姆斯和我平分了这个苹果。 James and I halved the apple.
- 我没有邀请詹姆斯。 I excepted James from my invitation.
- 埃米莉的声音使他回到了现实:“你不能再喝了,詹姆斯。” Emily's voice brought him back to earth, "You mustn't have a second glass, James."
- 詹姆斯·史密斯,剑桥大学文学硕士 James Smith MA (Cantab)
- 你好吗,詹姆斯? How's it going, James?
- 詹姆斯常常开快车。 James tends to drive too fast.
- 詹姆斯先生坐在他的椅子上。 Mr James sat down in his chair.