- 要与所有人类和平相处. Thou SHALT live in peace with thy fellow man.
- 返回的businessList包含的businessInfo结构要与所有传入的分类类别信息(逻辑与)相匹配。 The returned businessList contains businessInfo elements matching all of the categories passed (logical AND by default).
- 传统的上海老城厢与现代的浦东陆家嘴金融贸易区和平相处。 Traditional Shanghai residences and the modern Lujiazui Financial Trade Zone in Pudong are enjoying peaceful neighbourhood.
- 想要 be desirous to
- 人类和平 peace of humankind
- 就要 will; be about to
- 如果所有的国家都能和平相处的话,这世界该多美好啊! Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if all nations lived at peace with one another.
- 很难保持与所有老同学的联系,我已失去与一些老同学的联系了。 It's hard to keep track of all one's old school friends. I have lost track of some of mine already.
- 推进人类和平与发展的崇高事业。 Advance the lofty cause of pea.
- 我注意到他们在乡村买了所房子。我猜想他们是要与别人比阔气哩。 I see that they have bought a house in the country. I suppose they're trying to keep up with the Joneses.
- 这两个国家现在和平相处。 The two countries are now at peace with each other.
- 拿破仑和希特勒与所有的欧洲国家交战。 Napoleon and Hitler waged war against all of Europe.
- 大量增长人类和平和发展的崇高事业 The lofty cause of peace and development of mankind
- 南希的父亲屡次告诫她不要自视过高,要与其他女孩子交朋友。 Nancy's father frequently asked her to come off her high horse and make friends with other girls.
- 我们希望与邻国和平相处。 We wish to be at peace with neighboring countries.
- 就像要使用到所有人类的感官一样? Something like using all the human senses?
- 雄蕊单体的,与所有花丝结成单一管状组的雄蕊单体的或与之有关的 related to or being stamens with all the filaments united into a single tubelike group
- 他已领到酬金,只想与人和平相处。 He has been paid his money and wished to be at peace with men.
- 这些液压测量元件要与压强测量装置联合使用来测量力。 These hydraulic load cells are used in combination with a pressure measuring device to measure forces.
- 一切有生命的东西似乎和平相处。 All the living things seem to get along with each other peacefully.