- 恢复法律和正义行动日 Day of Action to Restore Law and Justice-USA
- 执行日 execution day
- 随机执行日 Stochastic exercise date
- 年,全球气候变化行动日,标志着各方参加的京都议定书的第一次会议。 International Day of Action On Climate Change, to mark the first meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.
- 执行 carry out
- 具有随机执行日的经理组合型股票期权的定价 Executive basket stock option pricing with stochastic exercise date
- 行动 mobile
- 美式期权执行日趋于无穷大的渐近分析及计算 Asymptotic Analysis and Numerical Computation of American Option When Expiry Date Runs to Infinity
- 日剧 Japanese TV play
- 首次执行日之前可行权的股份支付,不应追溯调整。 Any retroactive modulation may be not made to any share-based payment made for any exercisable right before the date of initial implementation.
- 采取行动 take action
- 日中 Japan-China
- 日的 diurnal
- 执行的 executive
- 前日 eve
- 日产 daily output; current yield
- 按日 by the day
- 人日 man-day
- 日式 Japanese
- 日心说 hiliocentricism