- 学好英文写作需要耐心及努力。
It takes patience and hard work to master English writing.
- 据我所知,英文里并没有这样的成语。
To my knowledge, there is no such idiom in English.
- 图书馆里有许多书是英文的。
A (large) number of books in the library are English.
- 他几乎连一个英文单词都不会说。
He spoke scarcely a word of English.
- 去伦敦之前,我必须好好温习一下英文。
I must brush up my English before I go to London.
- 我们再怎样强调学英文的重要性也不为过。
We cannot emphasize too much the importance of learning English.
- 学英文是值得的。
It is worth while to learn English.
- 就英文而言,它并不像你所认为的那样难。
So far as English is concerned, it is not so difficult as you might think.