自由地以自由的方式;不受限制地 In a free manner; without restraint.
人类能自由地飞向外层空间的时代将会到来。 The human beings can freely fly can arrive to times in outer space.
陀螺仪一个旋转物体,通常是圆盘或轮子安装在一个底基上,它的轴可以自由地朝一个或多个方向旋转,使所指方向不随底基的运动而改变 A device consisting of a spinning mass, typically a disk or wheel, mounted on a base so that its axis can turn freely in one or more directions and thereby maintain its orientation regardless of any movement of the base.
虽然我们对我们高尚的品味感到非常得意,我们却不再能自由地去选择我们所要的东西。 Much as we may take pride on our good taste, we are no longer free to choose things (that) we want.