- 公司自明年起将采用浮动工资制,以奖勤罚懒 The company is to adopt the floating wage system as of next year to award the diligent and punish the lazy
- 香港自明年起将实施十二年义务国教,全额补助所有公立高中的学生。 Starting next year, Hong Kong will provide free education for children all 12 years, including full subsidization for all public secondary school students.
- 新的税制自明年五月起实施。 A new system of taxation will come into effect next May.
- 自定义 user-defined
- 自 oneself
- 起 to rise
- 明年 next year
- 本条例自公布之日起施行。 These regulations come into force upon promulgation.
- 自明年开始,我们将注重于坚固地方教会。 Next year, we will focus our attention on strengthening the local churches.
- 起作用 work
- 新规则明年起生效。 The new regulations will come into force next year.
- 自慰 console oneself
- 自拍 autodyne
- 中国各大商店将对塑料袋收费2角,从2008年6月1日起施行。 Stores in china will charge 2 jiao for plastic bags effective from June 1st, 2008.
- 自恋 narcissism
- 明年起选派干部出国深造 Selected cadres to go aboard
- 自大 bighead
- 1990年10月1日起施行的《行政诉讼法》,是保障公民权利的一部重要法律。 The Administrative Procedural Law,put into effect on October 1,1990,is an important law ensuring people's civil rights.
- 新的环境保护法明年起将生效。 The new law on the protection of the environments is applicable to everybody from next year.
- 新章程六月一日起施行。 The new regulation shall take effect on June lst.