- 单体可以与其他分子结合形成聚合物的分子
A molecule that can combine with others to form a polymer.
- 共聚物一种由两种或多种不同单体构成的聚合物
A polymer of two or more different monomers.
- 齐格勒,卡尔·瓦尔德玛1898-1973德国化学家,因发现聚合物而获1963年的诺贝尔奖
German chemist. He shared a1963 Nobel Prize for research on polymers.
- 聚醚一种聚合物,其中重复性的单位含有由一个氧原子连结的两个碳原子
A polymer in which the repeating unit contains two carbon atoms linked by an oxygen atom.