- 以植物、中草药添加剂为产品原料,结合生物化学、中医学、植物学、皮肤学、无机化学、有机化学等多门学科,公司生产出了倍受消费者欢迎的脸部护理、全身护理、美发护理等产品。 With plants and herbal medicine additive as the raw material of the cosmetic products, combining different subjects like, biochemistry, traditional Chinese Medicine, botany, dermatology and organic chemistry, the company has produced face-care, body-care and hair-care products which are quite popular in the customers.
- 护理 nurse
- 美发 hairdressing
- 护理学 nursing
- 美容美发 cosmetology
- 护理人员 paramedic
- 美发师 friseur
- 父亲上次生病期间,护理他是件令人头疼的事。 It was a painful experience nursing Father through his last illness.
- 美发沙龙 cosmetic center
- 护理的 bedside
- 这位43岁的美发师几乎没有拿过什么比吹风机更重的东西。 The 43-year-old hairdresser rarely lifted anything heavier than a blow- dryer.
- 个人护理 personal nursing
- 护理员 medical orderly
- 美容美发服务。 Saloon is available for your enjoyment.
- 她获准从事护理工作。 She is licenced to practice nursing.
- 美发器 marcel waver
- 个人护理用品 personal-care supplies
- 美发水 hair lotion
- 护理系 department of nursing
- 男女美发店 a unisex hair salon