- 她因超速开车而被罚款。
She was fined for driving above the regulation speed.
- 他因醉酒开车被罚款。
He was fined for driving while intoxicated.
- 他因在人行横道上乱扔杂物而被罚款。
He was fined for littering on the sidewalks.
- 他被罚款200美元。
He was fined 200 dollars.
- 她因逃税而被罚款。
She was fined for tax evasion.
- 法官判他罚款10美元。
The judge imposed a fine of ten dollars on him.
- 你交了罚款了吗?
Have you handed in your fine?
- 这类过错要当场予以罚款。
Such an offence will lead to a summary fine.