罗切斯特从马上摔了下来,他的狗跑到简身旁寻求帮助。 Rochester has been thrown by his horse, and his dog comes to Jane seeking help.
他的床已着火,罗切斯特被简·爱及时唤醒。 His bed on fire, Rochester is awakened just in time by Jane.
罗切斯特安慰她说这只是一个恶梦,但清晨简却发现了被撕破的婚纱碎片。 Rochester assures her it is only a bad dream, but in the morning Jane finds the ripped fragments of the veil.
庄园里的人惊慌失措,罗切斯特使他们镇静下来。但他私下里要求简·爱帮助照料正在流血、失去知觉的梅森先生。 Rochester quiets the household's alarm but asks Jane privately to help nurse Mr. Mason who is bleeding and unconscious.