- 缅甸 Myanmar (Burma)
- 克钦邦 Kachin State
- 缅甸语 Burmese
- 缅甸的 Burmese
- 在缅甸最北端和临近中国及印度的地区说的藏--缅甸语。 Tibeto-Burman languages spoken in northernmost Burma and adjacent China and India.
- 缅甸在中国的南面。 Myanmar is to the south of China.
- 在缅甸战役中,印军首当其冲。 Indian troops bore the brunt of the Burma campaigns.
- 缅甸电影 Burma, cinema in
- 缅甸戏剧 Burmese Theatre
- 缅甸美术 Burmese art
- 缅甸舞蹈 dance of Burma
- 缅甸历史 history of Burma
- 缅甸音乐 music of Burma
- 缅甸联邦 Union of Myanmar
- 缅甸北部及临近地区说的话。 languages spoken by hill tribes in N Burma and neighboring areas.
- 印度与缅甸接壤。 India borders on Burma.
- 缅甸和印度接壤。 Burma borders on India.
- 缅甸共产党 Communist Party of Burma
- 乘车经过两条小河流,然后在缅甸边界旁有处壮观的瀑布。 By bus we pass two small streams and then near the Burmese border, the waterfall are located.
- 缅甸史前文化 Prehistoric Cultures in Burma