- 我很爱看那本书,只是结尾颇觉逊色。
I quite enjoyed the book but found the ending rather tame.
- 那就成了这本书很好的结尾。
That will make a good ending to the book.
- 先别告诉我书的结尾--我还没看完呢。
Don't tell me how it ends I haven't read all the way through yet.
- 牌照以偶数结尾的汽车必须走这条路。
Cars with license plates ending in even numbers must go in this way.
- 你应该会发现这本书的结尾比开头好。
You may well find that the end of the book is better than the beginning.
- 这愚蠢的结尾使得整个情节变得一点都不可信。
The silly ending robs the plot of any credibility.
- 英语的复数名词多以“s”结尾。
Most plural nouns in English end in "s".
- 在影片的结尾,主人公伤心地哭了。
At the end of the film, the hero wept bitterly.