- 终了温度 finishing temperature (焊接的)
- 终止温度 final temperature
- 裂纹终止温度 fracture-arrest temperature
- 马氏体转变终止温度 mf point
- 结果表明,内置电动机及排气消音系统等散发的热量对机器的制冷量,E、E、R值和压缩终了温度均有明显不利的影响。 Results show that heat rejections by the electric motor and the muffler of discharge system lead to the unfavourable influences for refrigerating capacity, E. E. R, and the temperature at the compression end time.
- 铸态试样的相变点,奥氏体转变开始温度(As)和终了温度(Af)分别为353和383K; 马氏体转变开始温度(Ms)和终了温度(Mf)分别为353和333K。 transformation temperature of cast TiNbSn As, Af, Ms and Mf are 353K, 383K, 353K and 333K respectively.
- 终止 (v) stop
- 示差扫描量热法(DSC)测定揭示了反应性挤出过程中化学反应的起始温度、峰温和终止温度,以及在静态下反应所需的时间。 The initial, peak and end temperatures of the reaction and the needed time of the reaction under the static state were stated by differential scanning calorimetry(DSC).
- 环境温度 ambient temperature
- 终了 cease
- 正如我们所知道的,物质随着温度的增加和减少而膨胀和收缩。 As we know, materials expand and contract with the increase and decrease of temperature.
- 华氏温度 degree Fahrenheit
- 终止合同 terminate a contract
- 工作温度 working temperature
- 摄氏温度 centigrade temperature
- 最高温度 maximum temperature
- 温度下降 temperature drop (fall)
- 零下温度 cold
- 临界温度 critical temperature
- 最低温度 lowest temperature