线轴装上线和纱线以供抽丝、缝纫、编织或编制花边的线轴或卷轴 A spool or reel that holds thread or yarn for spinning, weaving, knitting, sewing, or making lace.
绞盘,卷扬机一种用于吊起重物的装置。该装置包括一垂直的线轴形圆筒,由人力或机器使之旋转,在其周围绕有钢丝绳 An apparatus used for hoisting weights, consisting of a vertical spool-shaped cylinder that is rotated manually or by machine and around which a cable is wound.
卷筒在其周围卷绕材料的物体,如线轴或线桶 An object, such as a spool or barrel, around which material is wound.