- 第四题和第五题我不会,但是剩下的我都答了。
I can't do the fourth and fifth questions but I've done all the others.
- 800米赛是下午的第四项比赛。
The 800m is the fourth event of the afternoon.
- 她在比赛中一度领先,但最後得第四名。
She was leading for part of the race but finally finished fourth.
- 她生了第四个孩子後决定做绝育手术。
After her fourth child she decided to be/have herself sterilized.
- 火星是太阳系的第四颗行星。
Mars is the fourth planet in order from the sun.
- 她生了第四个孩子后决定做绝育手术。
After her fourth child she decided to have herself sterilized.
- 我是第四骑兵部队的一员。
I am a soldier of the fourth cavalry.
- 时间有时被称为第四度空间。
Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension.