- 他在狭窄的窗台上很难保持平衡。
He balanced precariously on the narrow window-ledge.
- 路到这里变窄了。
The road narrows here.
- 他们得钻过狭窄的隧道。
They had to worm their way through the narrow tunnel.
- 拥挤的车辆慢吞吞地穿过狭窄的隧道。
The heavy traffic crawled through the narrow tunnel.
- 这条路越来越窄,越来越难走,最后终于消失了。
The road became narrower and rougher and eventually petered out.
- 他熟练地驾驶着汽车穿过狭窄的街道。
He steered the car skillfully through the narrow streets.
- 大门太窄,汽车进不去。
The gate is too narrow for a car.
- 他住在街道弯弯曲曲的狭窄拥塞的老街区。
He lives in a warren of narrow twisting old streets.