离解(作用)在物理状态下,如在压力或温度下的变化,或在溶剂的作用下,使分子分离为更简单的一组原子、单原子或离子的化学过程 The chemical process by means of which a change in physical condition, as in pressure or temperature, or the action of a solvent causes a molecule to split into simpler groups of atoms, single atoms, or ions.
晶格空位在晶格里由于缺少一个原子、一个离子或一个分子造成晶格空位 A crystal defect caused by the absence of an atom, an ion, or a molecule in a crystal lattice.
电解(作用)一种电解质分解为带有相反电荷的离子的过程 The separation of an electrolyte into ions of opposite charge.
八重态在一个原子或离子中,形成稳定组态的一组八个化合价电子 A set of eight valence electrons in an atom or ion, forming a stable configuration.