- 仔细瞄准後再射击。
Aim carefully before shooting.
- 窍门就在於瞄准时须屏住呼吸。
The trick is to hold your breath while you aim.
- 他(用枪)瞄准目标开火,却未打中。
He aimed (his gun) at the target, fired and missed it.
- 开火之前仔细瞄准(目标)。
Take careful aim (at the target) before firing.
- 枪的瞄准器必须与射击目标对准成一线。
The sights of the gun must be in alignment with the target.
- 我对着树瞄准。
I was aiming at the tree.
- 静止的目标是最容易瞄准的。
A stationary target is easiest to aim at.
- 我瞄准了目标射击,但却打在了墙上。
I aimed at the target but hit the wall.