- 我们原来盼望著下星期放假--看样子走不了了。
We were hoping to have a holiday next week as it is, we may not be able to get away.
- 我原来一直盼望著能收到她送的礼物,所以因得不到而失望。
I was expecting a present from her, so I was disappointed I didn't receive one.
- 我盼望著能自己一人在这所房子。
I look forward to being alone in the house.
- 我盼望她很快会恢复健康。
I trust (that) she'll recover soon.
- 没人指望你完美无缺,但是我们盼望你永远尽最大的努力。
No one expects you to be perfect, but we do expect you to do your best always.
- 及时付款正是我们所盼望的。
What we expected is nothing less than a timely payment.
- 我正盼望去访问欧洲。
I'm hoping to visit Europe.
- 我盼望着这件事。
I'm looking forward to it.