这骚乱仅仅是人们不满的一种表露而已。 This riot is only one manifestation of people's discontent.
布尔代数中的一种运算,它同时对两个二进制数字进行如下操作:如果一个数或二个数为1,则结果为1;如果二个数均为零,则结果为零。它的逻辑算符是OR运算符。 An operation performed in Boolean algebra on two binary digits simultaneously in a way that the result is one if either one or both digits are a one, or zero if both digits are zero. The logic operator is the OR operator.
不管怎么说,这是描叙铁的历史的一种方法。 Anyway, it is one of the way of describing the history of iron.
犯罪率增加是失业问题造成的一种恶果。 An increase in crime is one of the by-products of unemployment.
吸烟是引起心脏病的一种病因。 Smoking is one of the causes of heart disease.